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FTMTA News April 13th


Kellys of Borris Open Days

FTMTA member Kellys of Borris Ltd. will be holding their Show & Sale days on Friday, April 26th, from 11am – 10pm and on Saturday, April 27th, from 10am – 6pm.

There will be a focus on the new range of CLAAS ARION 500 and 600 series tractors with an opportunity to test drive the new ARION 500 4 cylinder range and the new ARION 600 6 cylinder on both days.

There will also be a wide range of new and used machinery on display from CLAAS, JCB, Horsch and Househam amongst other brands.

Refreshments served will be served and all are welcome.

FTMTA Credit Policy

Declan Flood of Irish Credit Management Training worked closely with the Association on the development of the FTMTA ProDealer Credit Policy. Declan is now offering a credit review service to FTMTA member firms with a substantial saving for the first ten firms to sign up for the service. The review will involve a three hour visit to the business to conduct a review of the debtors ledger, the existing credit policy and the procedures in place in the business.  The member will be supplied with a written report outlining recommendations to improve the ongoing position of the debtors ledger. Declan is well known to many FTMTA members having spoken at a number of FTMTA conference and delivered credit control training for the Association over recent years. Please contact the FTMTA office at 045 409309 for more information in relation to this service or to request your copy of the full FTMTA ProDealer Credit Policy.


Following the highly successful and enjoyable FTMTA trips in previous years, the Association plans to organise a similar trip to the AGRITECHNICA show in Hanover in November.

AGRITECHNICA is the world’s largest agricultural machinery and technology event. It is organised every two years by the DLG (German Agricultural Society) and was first held in 1985, moving to its present location at the Hanover Exhibition Grounds, which are the largest such facility in the world, in 1995. The 2011 event was visited by slightly over 419,000 people of whom nearly 100,000 were international visitors with approximately 6,000 of these being from Ireland. Irish visitors were in fact the fourth largest group of foreign visitors in 2011.

Over 2,700 firms from 47 countries exhibited at the 2011 event, including the largest ever number of Irish exhibitors. It is reported that stand bookings for this year’s event are running at 10% higher than for the 2011 show.

AGRITECHNICA 2013 will take place from November 10th to 16th with November 10th and 11th being preview days which are aimed at trade and press visitors. Details of the FTMTA trip have not yet been finalised pending confirmation of flight availability and pricing. In previous years the group has travelled on the Saturday, attended the show on the preview days of Sunday and Monday and returned home on Tuesday and it is hoped to do something similar this year. As soon as the trip details are available they will be advised to members.

Be a part of a stronger farm machinery industry – join the Farm Tractor and Machinery Trade Association – contact FTMTA at 045 409309 or for details.

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