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FTMTA News 4th February 2017

FTMTA Farm Machinery Show

The FTMTA Farm Machinery Show 2017 – The Farming of Tomorrow

With the increased pressures on the farming industry of late, the ever-burning question of “how to do more with less” is constantly brought to the forefront of farmers’ thinking. Tightening margins coupled with rising input costs means that a previously profitable part of your farming practice could quickly turn those black numbers into red and start a drain from your income.

A unique feature at this year’s FTMTA Farm Machinery Show is the addition of the “Farming of Tomorrow” Precision Agriculture exhibition area featuring the latest cutting edge precision technologies within the industry. The exhibition area is aimed at ensuring precision and efficiency are incorporated into part of everyday farming and will demonstrate how replacing over and under utilisation techniques with precise application, tracking and performance metrics can keep that tight margin in your pocket. The focus of the area is to promote continued technological advancement within that the Irish farming industry and highlight how these emerging technologies can assist with efficiency in the farming workplace.

Perhaps previously more associated with tillage, these precision applications and techniques are now very much applicable to all farming methods from dairying, including milking, milk storage and heat detection, contracting such as spreading fertilizer, manure and slurry right back through to the tillage sector itself. The exhibition covers all sectors with Dairymaster highlighting how technology can help dairy farmers produce, collect and store their prized asset more cost efficiently; Agri-Spread demonstrating how slurry and dung utilisation can be increased with the aid of technology; and Sixty-5 Technologies tackling the issue of ease of use within the technology and showing how this translates into real savings and profits, as well as offering larger scale GPS and profit monitoring applications.

On top of this Silotite will be demonstrating the increase in efficiency levels and return on investment available to farmers through improved silage baling and storage techniques with their Film & Film wrapping system. Clipex fencing will be highlighting longevity and ease of use with their fencing innovations and there will also be exhibits from Fossland Services and Farmhand focused on precision within the grassland and contracting sectors.

The exhibition will also tackle the ongoing plight of farm safety within the industry with the Show including exhibitors having a direct focus on how technology and GPS systems can improve all aspects of farm safety. FBD will be on hand to promote this safety message as well as answering any questions you may have about your farming insurance.

Seminars with leading professionals from the industry will be ongoing throughout the day and this area is not to be missed for those focused on farming’s future.




Be a part of a stronger farm machinery industry – join the Farm Tractor and Machinery Trade Association – contact FTMTA at 045 409309 or for details.

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