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FTMTA News 25th November 2020

FTMTA Farm Machinery Show

FTMTA Farm Machinery Show will not go ahead in February 2021

FTMTA committed to holding a farm machinery event later in 2021.

The Farm Tractor & Machinery Trade Association has decided that, in light of the ongoing public health situation, it will not be possible to proceed with the FTMTA Farm Machinery Show 2021 which had been intended to take place at Punchestown Racecourse over three days in early February.

The Association had hoped that it would be possible to hold Ireland’s flagship farm machinery event as planned but evolving developments in relation to the pandemic and associated restrictions over recent months mean that it is no longer feasible to consider that the event could take place. In light of this, FTMTA is taking the prudent decision to cancel the event at this stage.

The Association realise that this announcement will come as a great disappointment to many exhibitors and visitors who were still hoping that it would somehow be possible for the Show to go ahead but, as with so many other things this year, the reality is that there was no other realistic option. FTMTA intends and hopes to hold a large scale, high quality, farm machinery event, which will be open to the public, later during 2021. The nature and location of this event is yet to be finalised and will, to a large extent, depend on the developing situation  with regard to the pandemic as we move into 2021. The Association realises that there is a tremendous appetite among our exhibitors and machinery enthusiasts to once again be able to attend a premium farm machinery event and we will do all we can to facilitate this when the wider situation permits.

The safety and health of all stakeholders, exhibitors and visitors and the wider context of the public health situation are the paramount concerns of the Association and any FTMTA event to be held in 2021 will be with such considerations to the fore. FTMTA have a proven track record in the delivery of well managed public events and will work with the relevant authorities to provide a safe event for our exhibitors and visitors.

The Farm Tractor & Machinery Trade Association in the representative body of the Irish farm machinery industry and promoter of the two flagship public events of the Irish farm machinery sector – the FTMTA Farm Machinery Show and FTMTA Grass & Muck.

Please contact the FTMTA office on 045 409309 or at with any queries in relation to this announcement.

Be a part of a stronger, professional, farm machinery industry – join the Farm Tractor and Machinery Trade Association – contact FTMTA at              045 409309 or for details.

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