FTMTA Grass & Muck 2018 Closing Date
The closing date for FTMTA Grass & Muck, to be held at Gurteen College on Thursday, May 17th, 2018 is on Friday, January 26th. Application packs have been issued by email to all those firms who had registered an interest in advance as well as to all exhibitors as this year’s FTMTA Farm Machinery Show and FTMTA Grass & Muck 2016.
The exhibitor application pack for non members of FTMTA can now be downloaded from the FTMTA website at www.ftmta.ie . Further details can be obtained by contacting the FTMTA office on 045 409309 or at admin@ftmta.ie .
Be a part of a stronger, professional, farm machinery industry – join the Farm Tractor and Machinery Trade Association – contact FTMTA at 045 409309 or membership@ftmta.ie for details.